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How to install and use Comet Executor

Comet Executor is relatively simple to install and works in the same way as any other executable file for the Windows operating system. Download Comet Executor first. There should be a green download button in the upper right corner of your screen. When you click it, you'll be directed to the download page. Wait for the file to become available for download.

Disabling antivirus

Before you may launch Synapse X, you must disable your antivirus program. It will not operate well for you and will disable several Synapse X functionalities. If you have not granted the scripting engine access, you can temporarily disable this software while it is executing. It will also ensure that the injection procedure is completed successfully.

Download all injection files

After you've downloaded the file and ensured that antivirus isn't blocking anything, follow the instructions below to install an executable on Windows.

Identify the file you downloaded on your computer.

Wait for the installation prompt to appear after double-clicking the program. Continue the installation and wait for it to be completed. You should now see the app in your list of programs and apps.